Mental Health in Burnaby

March 5, 2024 

An introduction to mental health in Burnaby and how to access help for yourself or someone you are supporting.  

Learn about the social determinants of mental health. Build your understanding of the mental health system in Burnaby. Gain tools for navigating resources and working with your Family Physician to address mental health issues. 

Visit the Burnaby Mental Health Resource Directory.

Screenshot of Zoom webinar by Dr. Davidicus Wong

DocTalks: From Surviving to Thriving During the Pandemic — with Dr. Davidicus Wong A community based emotional wellbeing and mental health webinar brought to you by the Burnaby Primary Care Networks, facilitated by Jeff Malmgren. In this session, Dr. Dave discusses: Proven methods to manage stressStaying socially connected while physically isolating Key emotional wellness skillsWhere to find help for emotional health concernsWays…

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Dr. Billy Lin

DocTalks for Seniors in Mandarin (During the pandemic) — With Dr. Billy Lin All the question below are answered in the video. 重新開放後,老年人可以安全出門嗎?去買雜貨?去醫院?如果他們要出門,應該採取什麼步驟來保護自己? 在約見的時候,,我該如何與醫生交談?我可以問問題嗎? 我可以告訴他什麼? 在我的社區,,我可以如何找到醫生? 新冠病毒疫苗現在是否需要八十歲老年人志願者參加接種試驗? 如果需要, 可以與誰聯絡? 新冠病毒疫苗何時能夠開始在溫哥華接種? 八十歲老年居民可否接種嗎? 卑詩省的新冠病毒抗體檢測計畫,何時會普及到老年居民? 我怎么知道来我家帮助的人是否可以安全进入? 我现在可以看看我的孙子吗? 我需要去看医生,但不知道该怎么去。坐公共汽车安全吗? 有什么可以吃的东西或维生素可以阻止我感染病毒吗? 我必须在家中说话时,如何获得足够的运动? 大流行会持续多久? Questions in English: As things reopen is it safe for seniors to go outside? to go grocery shopping? to go to hospital? What steps…

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