Mental Health in Burnaby

March 5, 2024 

An introduction to mental health in Burnaby and how to access help for yourself or someone you are supporting.  

Learn about the social determinants of mental health. Build your understanding of the mental health system in Burnaby. Gain tools for navigating resources and working with your Family Physician to address mental health issues. 

Visit the Burnaby Mental Health Resource Directory.

DocTalks: What to Do When Your Doctor Retires

A webinar with Dr. Jennifer Moore and Dr. John Rideout. Is your family doctor retiring soon? Join us for a discussion on how to make a smooth transition when your doctor or nurse practitioner is ready to leave their practice.
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DocTalks: Your Blood Pressure and You!

Watch the video to learn about the Burnaby PCN’s new Clinical Pharmacist Service, and how pharmacists help patients and doctors navigate complex conditions and medication-related issues. This webinar focuses particularly on blood pressure.
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