Strengthening Primary Care in Burnaby
Welcome to Burnaby
Primary Care Networks
Are you looking for a doctor? Need Urgent Care?
Looking to connect with resources in your neighbourhood?

Allied Health Services
PCN allied health professionals work in coordination with primary care providers to prevent, diagnose, and treat a range of conditions and illnesses.

Who We Are
What is a Primary Care Network?
A Primary Care Network (PCN) is a clinical network of local primary care service providers.
The Burnaby PCN brings together the Burnaby, BC community, its Primary Care Providers, and Fraser Health to collectively drive city-wide health and wellbeing.
Primary Care Providers (PCP) are health care professionals, such as Family Physicians or Nurse Practitioners, who help you manage your health. A long-term relationship with a PCP keeps you healthier; they can treat you when you are sick or help you access more advanced care when you need it.
We also work alongside community organizations and service agencies to connect Burnaby residents, not only with medical care, but with essential social supports as well.
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Burnaby Community Fridge Program
Based on similar programs in Canada and around the world, the Burnaby Community Fridge Program will provide something many people in our community need most – food.
The Community Fridge Program provides this in a safe, low barrier and nonjudgmental way. It provides a place for people in our neighbourhoods to give and take, to reduce waste and feed their children better. It builds and enhances our food security in Burnaby.

Burnaby Mental Health Community Connectors
The Mental Health Community Connector (MHCC) training prepares frontline community service or social agency staff to help their clients signpost local services that support mild to moderate mental health.

Visiting the Lab FAQs
Your Physician or Nurse Practitioner may have asked you to visit a lab to provide a sample for the purposes of testing. As part of a Shared Care project, the Burnaby Division of Family Practice has pulled together some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to visiting the lab as a patient in Burnaby.

Digital Literacy Support
Digital literacy skills and access to devices are essential to overall health and well-being, especially during the pandemic when many vital primary care, wellness and social programs and services were offered in virtual settings. The Metrotown PCN, in partnership with Burnaby Public Library, Burnaby Neighbourhood House, and the City of Burnaby, led a campaign to promote digital literacy and to raise awareness of the many and varied technology resources available to Burnaby residents.