Burnaby Community Fridge
Based on similar programs in Canada and around the world, the Burnaby Community Fridge program provides something many people in our community need most – food.
The Community Fridge program provides this in a safe, low barrier and non-judgmental way. It provides a place for people in our neighbourhoods to give and take, to reduce waste and to build our food security in Burnaby.
Go visit one of the fridge locations listed below, and feel free to take something or leave something!
Follow the fridge at @burnabyfridge on Instagram, and stay tuned for more details!
Fridge Locations

Tian-Jin Temple Fridge & Pantry
WHERE: Tian-Jin Temple, 3426 Smith Avenue
HOURS OF ACCESS: Every day, 24 hours/day
This fridge is located in the alley along the south side of Tian-Jin Temple. The fridge shelter includes shelving for free pantry items.
The fridge shelter was decorated by the Tian-Jin Temple’s youth group.
Hosted by Tian-Jin Temple in partnership with Burnaby Primary Care Networks

Parish of St. Timothy Fridge
WHERE: Parish of St. Timothy, 4550 Kitchener St
HOURS OF ACCESS: Every day, 24 hours/day
This fridge is plugged in at the southeast corner of the building, near the playground. You can also access the fridge via the alley south of the church.
The fridge shelter was decorated by youth at the Burnaby Youth Hub.
Hosted by Parish of St. Timothy in partnership with Burnaby Primary Care Networks

SFU Fridge
WHERE: SFU Burnaby, 8888 University Drive
- MBC, Floor 0/7000 level
- SUB, Bottom floor
HOURS OF ACCESS: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m., subject to SFU campus holiday hours and closures.
These fridges are on the bottom floors of Maggie Benston Centre and the Student Union Building. They are available available during regular opening hours at SFU Burnaby.
There are additional food supports for SFU students, but this fridge is free and open to the whole community!
This fridge is co-sponsored by SFU’s Office of Community Engagement, Burnaby Primary Care Networks, Burnaby Neighbourhood House, SFU Ancillary Services, Food Mesh, and Embark Sustainability.

BCIT Fridge
WHERE: BCIT Burnaby, Building SE2, Floor 2, 3700 Willingdon Ave
HOURS OF ACCESS: Subject to BCIT’s regular campus hours and holiday hours and closures.
This fridge located on BCIT’s Burnaby campus, on the 2nd floor of building SE2. Located next to the Elevator and BCITSA Food Pantry.
There are additional food supports for BCIT students, but this fridge is free and open to the whole community!
Hosted by BCIT and BCIT Student Association in partnership with Burnaby Primary Care Networks
Things We Like
- Fresh produce
- Dairy
- Bread
- Grab and Go Foods
- Pantry Items
- Prepared Meals (made in a commercial kitchen, labelled with ingredients)
Please Don’t Donate
- Expired Food
- Rotting Food
- Home Cooked Food
- Open Packages of Food
- Leftovers
- Clothing or housewares
Fridge FAQs
What items do you accept?
We do accept:
- Fresh produce
- Dairy
- Bread
- Grab and Go Foods
- Pantry Items
- Prepared Meals (made in a commercial kitchen)
We don’t accept:
- Expired Food
- Rotting Food
- Home Cooked Food
- Open Packages of Food
- Leftovers
- Clothing or housewares
Can we leave our leftovers in the fridge or an opened or expired product?
No. The fridges should be an act of intentional care and to provide access to safe and healthy food that would be found at a grocery store.
Can we make meals for the fridge?
At this point we only accept food prepared in a licensed food grade kitchen and by cooks with food handling certificates. If your restaurant is preparing food it should be labelled with all ingredients, date made, and name of your establishment. Items should be packaged well and individually portioned.
What do we do if someone is taking “too much food”? They don’t look like they were “in need”.
The Fridges operate under the ‘take something, leave something’ philosophy where access to healthy food: meals, produce, protein, can be accessed, no questions asked. We will not police who is taking the food or how much. Some people have large families, or are helping to distribute to neighbours in need. There are many reasons why someone may need to access the fridge and they are all valid.
How can I get involved?
You could add items for the fridge to your grocery list, you could gather friends or neighbours to encourage participation in filling the fridge. You can share and promote the fridges on social media! If you are a business owner you could host a fridge! Get in touch to host a fridge!
For more information, please contact [email protected].
The Burnaby Community Fridge program is a project of the PCN Food Security Working Group. Additional thanks to the Burnaby Youth Hub, Refood and Regal Rotaracts for their support!