Burnaby Shelter Information
Updated January 22, 2024
A list of places to shelter from extreme weather in Burnaby this winter. Everyone is welcome at all locations!
Overnight Shelters

Overnight Extreme Weather Shelter
Operated by Lookout Society & Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby
The Overnight Extreme Weather Shelter is open in bad/cold weather at Neighbourhood Church (formerly known as Southside), 7135 Walker Ave, from the 1st-15th of the month. For the second half the month, 16th to end-of-month, it takes place at Westminster Bible Chapel ( 7540 6th St.) It rotates this way every month due to resources needed. When activated this service is open between the 8:30pm to 8:00am.
t: 778-384-6486 (only during sheltering hours)

Overnight Emergency Warming Centre
Operated by the City of Burnaby
Overnight Emergency Warming Centre operated by the City of Burnaby 8:30pm – 8:00am (7320 Buller Ave). City of Burnaby determines shelter activation and Society to End Homelessness will circulate by email and be posted around Burnaby.

Overnight Winter Shelter
Operated by Progressive Housing Society
Overnight Progressive Housing Winter Shelter open every night in Tri-cities, will pick up and drop-off Burnaby folks – call in advance. 8:30pm – 8:00am. No walk-ups.
e: [email protected]
t: 604-209-1587
Daytime Shelters
The HUB (7836 6th St.) & Outreach run by Progressive Housing is open everyday, 9:00am – 4:30pm.
Outreach Resource Centre & pop-up locations (Tues, Wed, and Thu) in different areas of Burnaby to support people who are un-housed or otherwise could benefit from some resources and community connections
Progressive Housing Society – Trifold brochure
Society to End Homelessness in Burnaby – Outreach Resource Centres brochure (3 on a page)