Financial Assistance
Find financial information and resources to support individuals and businesses in Burnaby.
Please note that this collection of resources is updated periodically, with the help of our network of partners. If you would like to submit a new resource or inform us of any updates to existing resources in the table, please use the submissions form. We appreciate your help in connecting our community with available support!
Search and Filter this Table
View this table on a desktop for full functionality.
Below you will find a smart table that allows you to search for key terms, and filter, group, or sort by certain features. To fine tune your search by temporarily hiding some of the resources, click on the “filter” button and add the conditions that you want the resources you see to match. Additionally, you can organize resources into groups by clicking the “group” button and selecting which fields to group by. You can also re-order the resources alphabetically or by tag type by clicking the “sort” button.
To print resources, click the View dropdown (labelled “All Resources”) in the green table header and select “Download CSV” or “Print view.”
For more detailed information about how to use the table, watch this short how-to video, embedded below.
Can’t see the embedded table above? Open it in a new tab.
If you have any questions about this tool, please email [email protected]!
Can’t see the embedded form? Fill out your submission in a new tab.