Tips for seniors to prepare for heat

Use water to cool down
- Drink plenty of water
- Wear wet clothing or damp towels
- Put an ice pack against your neck
- Take cool baths or showers
- Place your feet in cool water

Keep your home cool and watch its temperature
- Keep windows and blinds closed during the day and open them at night
- If your home is over 31°C, go to a building with air conditioning. If you can’t, use water to cool down.
- Fans don’t cool the air, so don’t blow hot air at yourself. It can make you hotter, not cooler. Use fans to move cool air in from outside.
- Invest in an air conditioning unit or look into BC Hydro’s free air conditioner program if you are lower income

Make plans for someone to check on you
- Check-ins should be at least twice a day when it is very hot
- Make sure they have a plan or you have a plan if you cannot get in touch
- Burnaby seniors can call 236-858-3202 to register for phone call check-ins during heat waves

Learn the signs of heat exhaustion vs heat stroke
Heat exhaustion is not as dangerous as heat stroke but can lead to heat stroke. Call 8-1-1 for advice if you have symptoms.
Heat Exhaustion:
- Feeling sick/throwing up
- Headache/muscle cramps
- Rapid heart beat and breathing
- Skin rash or heavy sweating
- Take action: move to a cool space, drink water, cool skin with water
Heat Stroke
- Drowsy/fainting
- Confused
- Less coordinated
- Very hot/red skin
- Take urgent action: Call 911 or take someone to a hospital, bathe in cool water or cover with wet towels until help arrives
Make a heat plan with your doctor. Ask your pharmacist or doctor if you will be more affected by heat due to medications or health issues.
Download the poster to put up in your building:
Download the rack card:
Traditional Chinese
Heat Safety Resources in Burnaby
Sun & Heat Safety
Cooling Stations
Fans in Extreme Heat FAQs
Urgent Care
This page is part of a Burnaby-based project to respond to extreme heat events. This resource is sponsored by Burnaby Hospital Foundation and created by Fraser Health, City of Burnaby, Burnaby Neighbourhood House, ISSofBC, MOSAIC, S.U.C.C.E.S.S., project 1907, and Burnaby Primary Care Networks.