Harm Reduction & Substance Use Supports
If you suspect an overdose, call 911 right away.
Find resources related to:
Harm Reduction
Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service
This service is available to people across BC needing help with any kind of substance abuse issues 24 hours a day. It provides information and referral to education, prevention and treatment services and regulatory agencies.
Phone: 604-660-9382 or 1-800-663-1441 (Toll-free)
Fraser Health Crisis Line
Trained volunteers provide emotional crisis support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Volunteers can also provide information on local services.
Phone: 604-951-8855 or 1-877-820-7444 (Toll-free)
Lifeguard App
The Lifeguard App is best known for the ‘Use Alone’ timer that will send emergency services to a user’s location if they become unresponsive after consuming substances. The app also offers several resources such as a Naloxone guide, a CPR Guide, Services Near Me, direct 911 calling, direct 811 calling, and a crisis line.
Email: [email protected]
Download from Apple App Store
Download from Google Play Store
Overdose Intervention
The Overdose Intervention App allows users of different communities and language backgrounds to rapidly respond to an overdose emergency with resources and guidance that is suitable to their needs. Overdose Intervention includes an innate 9-1-1 calling feature, techniques to identify a suspected overdose, steps to administer naloxone, and sequential guidance on emergency first aid response.
Email: [email protected]
Download from Apple App Store
Download from Google Play Store
The Brave App
Keeps people safer from overdose by providing them with access to a community of people willing to provide remote supervision at the very moment they are most at risk of overdose. If, and only if, you overdose, your location is revealed to your supporter who can then call 911 or your personal contact, at your discretion, to direct them to you for immediate response.
Email: [email protected]
Download from Apple App Store
Download from Google Play Store
Rapid Access to Addiction Care Clinics
Fraser Health Rapid Access to Addiction Care (RAAC) clinic provides low-barrier, responsive care to patients with substance use concerns with an aim of assessment, initial stabilization and transition to community-based clinics and services. Open to any individual who identifies concerns with their substance use. The Rapid Access to Addiction Care (RAAC) clinic accepts referrals from community providers, doctors, nurses, social workers, as well as self-referrals. Find clinic locations online.
COVID-19 Harm Reduction Tips for People Who Use Drugs
Hosts a variety of general resources for men’s health, as well as specialized tips for keeping individuals and their loved ones safe while using substances during the pandemic.
Phone: 604-488-1001
Email: [email protected]
Stop Overdose – Resources to Get Help
Web resource to help navigate information and services, including treatment and recovery options or ways to stay safer.
BCCDC Harm Reduction Clinical Resources
Contains a collection of resources on harm reduction, overdose prevention and response, safer supply, health professional regulations and resources, organizational resources and more.*
*Must be referred by a health care practitioner
Phone: 604-707-2400
Email: [email protected]
Drug Checking – Burnaby Public Health Unit
The Burnaby Public Health Unit offers a range of services to promote health and wellness in the community, including drug checking.
105-4946 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC, V5G 4H7
Phone: 604-918-7605
Fax: 604-918-7630
Starship Health Contact Centre Purpose Society
Drug checking, witnessed consumption, harm reduction supplies, take-home naloxone kits.
40 Begbie Street New Westminster, BC, V3M 3L9
Phone: 604-526-2522
Quibble Creek Sobering and Assessment Centre
Provides a non-smoking, temporary environment for people to safely sober up, with a maximum stay of 23 hours.
13670 94A Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3V 1N1
Phone: 604-580-4965
Fax: 604-580-4950
Abbotsford Addictions Centre
Therapists provide free alcohol and drug outpatient services, with a multicultural and seniors addictions component. They serve both youth and adults that are using and also those affected by substance use.
#202 – 31943 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1V5
Phone: 604-850-5106
Fax: 604-850-5492
Email: [email protected]
Purpose Health Van – Mobile Harm Reduction Support Services
Supplies for safer injection, inhaling & sex. Fentanyl drug-checking, Naloxone, snacks, treatment/housing/health referrals, needle collection, community needle sweeps and more. Call to access services in New Westminster, Burnaby, Tri-Cities, Maple Ridge and other communities upon request.
Phone: 604-351-1885
Supervised consumption sites are health services where individuals can inject or consume substances in a hygienic environment under the supervision of trained staff, and have opportunities to engage in other health and social services.
2-10681 135A Street, Surrey, BC, V3T 4E3
Phone: 604-587-7898
Get Your Drugs Tested – Canada-Wide Drug Checking By Mail
Free, anonymous drug checking by mail. Email to receive mailing address.
Email: [email protected]
National Overdose Response Service (NORS)
Free services made prevent overdose-related incidents by connecting individuals with a peer supporter. Anonymous, and private, unless an overdose occurs. The caller’s location will be shared to health services to send help.
Phone: 1-888-688-6677
For Indigenous peoples
KUU-US Crisis Line
First Nations helping First Nations. Culturally sensitive help available 24 hrs/day, 7 days a week. To speak to an Indigenous mental health liason who can provide clients with assessment, referral and counselling support services in Surrey, please call 778-288-6043
1-800-588-8717 (Toll-free)
250-723-4050 (for Adults/ Elders)
250- 723-2040 (for Children/ Youth)
For severe alcohol use disorder
Community Managed Alcohol Program
For individuals who struggle with severe alcohol use disorder and who sometimes drink non-beverage alcohol such as mouthwash or rubbing alcohol, this organization provides outreach to street entrenched members of the community and controlled access to alcohol, coupled with wraparound services including meals and regular access to general medical care.
Phone: 604-683-0073
Email: [email protected]
For people who use substances, their caregivers, researchers, organizations and health care professionals
Toward the Heart – BCCDC Harm Reduction Services
Collection of harm reduction resources, programs and training from BCCDC, including information on how to respond to overdose and naloxone programs. For search directory to identify nearby overdose prevention and naloxone distribution sites in BC, please follow the link to this page.
Overdose Prevention and Response
Fraser Health collection of resources to locate safe, drug testing sites, as well as overdose prevention information and supports. Please click this link for map to Drug Checking services.
Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Clinics
FHA OAT Clinics and Resources
Fraser Health list of Rapid Access to addictions care and Opioid Agonist Treatment clinics in the Lower Mainland.
Burnaby Hospital OAT Clinic and Rapid Access to Addiction Care
Web resource to help navigate information and services, including treatment and recovery options or ways to stay safer.
3935 Kincaid Street, Burnaby, BC, V5G 2X6
Phone: 604-453-1930
Edmonds Medical Clinic
This clinic offers an Opioid Agonist Treatment drop-in clinic on Wednesday from 1-3:30PM.
Phone: 604-549-9959
Westminster Medical Clinic
This clinic provides Opioid Agonist Treatment, and is currently only seeing patients by appointment only.
7636 6th Street Burnaby, BC V3N 3M5 Canada
Phone: 604-777-7095
Fax: 604-777-7096
Imperial Medical Clinic
This clinic offers Opioid Agonist Treatment, as well as COVID-19 Testing, counselling services and medical exams.
4648 Imperial Street, Burnaby BC, V5J 1B8
Phone: 604-409-8000
Email: [email protected]
Spring Medical Centre
This clinic offers Opioid Agonist Treatment, among other treatments that can be accessed through booking an appointment
4453 Lougheed Hwy, Burnaby, BC, V5C 3Z2
Phone: 604-428-1363
Royal Columbian Hospital OAT Clinic and Rapid Access to Addiction Care
Address and contact information to access Opioid Agonist Treatment at Royal Columbian Hospital, Mental Health and Substance Use Wellness Centre.
330 East Columbia Street New Westminster, BC, V3L 3M2
Phone: 604-527-2904
Red Fish Healing Centre for Mental Health & Addiction
This clinic offers Opioid Agonist Treatment for people who have complex mental health and substance use challenges, and referred to this location by health professionals.*
*Must be referred by a health care practitioner
Peer Support Groups
LifeRing Secular Recovery Canada
Secular, community based and peer-led support groups for people who self-identify with problematic substance use.
Phone: 877-920-2095
Email: [email protected]
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Greater Vancouver Intergroup Society
In-person and online support groups in the Lower Mainland for those who have a desire to stop drinking.
Phone: 604-434-3933
Email: [email protected]
British Columbia Region of Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
In-person and online support groups for residents in Burnaby, New Westminster and Gibsons to support recovery from substance use.
Phone: 866-683-6819
Email: [email protected]
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) BC Area
In-person and online support groups in the Lower Mainland for those who have a desire to stop using cocaine and/or other mind- altering substances.
Phone: 1-866-662-8300 or 604-662-8500
Email: [email protected]
Peer Network
Intends to connect individuals and create dialogue and support for those impacted by substance use. Friends, families, loved ones are welcome. Those interested in advocacy can contact Sydney as well to join the Overdose CAT (Community Action Team). Meetings are Tuesday, from 2pm-3pm.
40 Begbie St, New Westminster, BC, V3M 3L9
Phone: 604-562-5102
Email: [email protected]
Burnaby Community Action Team
The Burnaby Community Action Team runs the CPR Peer Group. Email for more information.
Email: [email protected]
Mental Health and Substance Use Supports
Fraser Health Mental Health and Substance Use Services
Mental health and substance use resources offered in Burnaby. For online, video and information supports, please follow the link to this page.
Drug Rehab Centres in Burnaby, BC
Supports in connecting individuals to find a drug rehab centre, drug rehabilitation and substance use treatment programs in Burnaby.
Phone: 1-877-254-3348
Community Substance Use Clinics
Community substance use services provides individual, couple, family and group counselling for anyone who is open to exploring their relationship to substances as well as for those impacted by a family member’s substance use. Concerns can be related to any mood-altering substance, such as alcohol, street drugs, club drugs, inhalants, prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
Wellness Together Canada – Mental Health and Substance Use Support
Offers basic wellness information, 1:1 counselling sessions, opportunities to participate in a community of support for individuals experiencing mental health concerns or substance use problems.
Phone: 1-866-585-0445
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC
The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and deal with crisis. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week the Crisis Centre provides emotional support to youth, adults and seniors in distress.
Phone: 1-866-661-3311
24/7 Shelter Helpline
The Shelter and Street Help Line assists people who are affected by homelessness in the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley regional districts, as well as in Greater Victoria. We understand that a wide range of circumstances can result in homelessness so we provide information on a variety of programs and services.
The Shelter List details available shelter beds and mats for women, men, youth and families. The list is updated twice a day at 11:30 am and 7:30 pm.
Call or text 2-1-1 to find available shelter beds and services in the Lower Mainland and Victoria.
Phone: 211
BC Crisis Centre
Immediate access to barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up through 24/7 phone lines and online services.
Education and training programs that promote mental wellness and equip schools, organizations and communities to assist people at risk of suicide.
Phone: 604-872-3311
Toll-free: 1-800-784-2433
Substance Use Services Access Team (SUSAT)
A team of knowledgeable individuals on substance use-related services in the Fraser Health region. Contact them for more information and get connected!
Phone: 1-866-624-6478
Creekside Withdrawal Management Centre
Withdrawal management services provide short-term medical supervision and support to individuals who are experiencing withdrawal symptoms associated with their discontinued use of alcohol/other drugs. Services also available for youth ages 14-18.
13740 94A Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3V 1N1
Phone: 604-587-3755
Day, Evening, Weekend (DEW) – Fraser Health
Provides group-based support for individuals who are looking for an intensive day, evening or weekend outpatient substance use treatment program.
Phone: 1-888-587-3755
Community Substance Use Services
Community substance use services provides individual, couple, family and group counselling for anyone who is open to exploring their relationship to substances as well as for those impacted by a family member’s substance use.
Phone: 604-777-6870
Perspectives Substance Use Counselling Services
Perspectives Substance Use Counselling Services for Adults provides free counselling, education, guidance and support to adults experiencing challenges related to their present or past substance use or someone else’s substance use. Services available for youth and families as well.
2nd Floor – 519 Seventh Street, New Westminster, BC, V3M 6A7
Phone: 604-522-3722 (ext. 101)
Foundry BC
Foundry offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness resources, services and supports – online and through integrated service centres in communities across BC. In-person supports outside Burnaby for youth 12-24 years old. Access virtual services through the Foundry BC app — co-created with and for youth and their caregivers.
Download from Apple App Store.
Download from Google Play Store.
Burnaby Housing and Outreach Hub – Progressive Housing
Provides resources, food, clothing, and support for those facing homelessness.
Southside Community Church
7135 Walker Avenue (by High Gate area)
Burnaby, BC, V5E 3C6
Thursday: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Progressive Housing Society
7836 6th Street, Burnaby, BC, V3N 3N2
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
For youth
Odyssey Substance Abuse Counselling Services
For youth and their families affected by substance use. Individual, family and/or group counselling drop-in, social/recreational activities, referrals, drug/alcohol information and education, and crisis intervention for youth and their families.
Phone: 604-299-6377
Email: [email protected]
Concurrent Disorders Program for Youth
Provides services, information and support to youth and young adults under 24 years, who are experiencing a combination of emotional and/or psychiatric problems in addition to problematic substance use.
Phone: 604-614-8735
For women
Charlford House Society for Women – Addictions Recovery Home
This non-profit rehab residence offers a supportive treatment facility for women who are 19 years or older and are ready to move on from their substance addiction.
Phone: 604-420-4626
Email: [email protected]
Housing and Support – For women recovering from addiction or transitioning out of the justice system
This service is available to women who are in recovery, and/or who have just transitioned out of the justice system.
402 E. Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC Canada V3L 3X1
Phone: 604-520-1166
Email: [email protected]
For men
Burnaby Addiction Treatment Centre for Men
The Into Action Recovery Society offers multifaceted, supportive recovery and transitional housing options in the Greater Vancouver area for men struggling with an addiction to alcohol, drugs or behavioural addictions like gambling or technology.
Phone: 778-747-8564
Email: [email protected]
For non-medical emergencies, call 811 speak to a health service navigator, who can help you find health information and services and connect you directly with a registered nurse.